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Samsung SmartThings Discontinued? The Truth Revealed (2023)

Samsung SmartThing Discontinued

“I’ve read somewhere that SmartThings is getting discontinued. Is it true?”

Well, Samsung had let go of some of their SmartThings products.

For once, they’ve shut down the first edition SmartThings hub.

Along with that, the SmartThings Link has been out of production.

Such a shame to remove these devices in your smart home, right?

But I promise it isn’t that bad…

Continue reading to know:

  • If you can migrate automations to a new hub.
  • Whether Samsung SmartThings is nearing its end.
  • What happens to discontinued SmartThings devices.
  • And that’s only the beginning…

Is SmartThings being discontinued?

SmartThings isn’t being discontinued. Currently, Samsung is making it into a more powerful and “universal” platform. Instead of developing products of their own, Samsung SmartThing decided to ditch their legacy products and apps to focus on improving the features and security of their platform.

Samsung SmartThings discontinued – what to expect

If you have a smart home, you’ve probably heard the news about Samsung SmartThings in your community.

Up to this day, many continue to ask whether Samsung is discontinuing SmartThings.

Knowing how popular SmartThings is today, it’s weird to think that it would ever happen.

It could. But not this year or several years forward.

I mean, Samsung earns millions or billions from SmartThings.

And I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t just dump it.

In 2014, Samsung acquired the Internet of Things (IoT) company, SmartThings, for $200M.

Beginning that year, Samsung made SmartThings reach millions of households worldwide.

They even developed devices to make SmartThings more functional and easy to use.

Things were going pretty well. And the majority of the community was happy with the service.

Not until Samsung made a huge shift on SmartThings’ legacy.

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“When did the rumors about SmartThings being discontinued started?”

SmartThings users started getting concerned about it in early 2020.

That was when Samsung announced the launch of the “SmartThings” app. A replacement app for the “SmartThings Classic” app.

Samsung has made a lot of changes to that app.

(For the better, I would say).

Some users expressed frustration about it. As migrating to the new app can be a hassle.

But most were happy about these changes. 

Since the new app allows users to automate and control their smart devices easier.

The big concern of users regarding SmartThings spiked in June 2020.

When SmartThings announced that they were making a huge shift in their strategy.

And that they’re retiring select legacy products, apps, and features.

Come mid-2020. The company announced that they’re stopping production and support for the following:

  • First Gen. SmartThings hub (2013).
  • SmartThings Link for NVIDIA SHIELD.
  • ADT SmartThings Home Security & Safety System.

Imagine automating your home for many years, only for the SmartThings hub v1 to shut down. Forcing you to re-do your automations from scratch.

Now to mention that your SmartThings security functions will be deemed useless.

Obviously, no one would want to spend so much money on replacements.

Want to learn more about why Samsung is discontinuing some of SmartThings’ legacy? 

Then, watch this video:

“What happens to discontinued SmartThings devices?”

All ADT SmartThings home security and safety devices stopped working on June 1, 2021.

And that includes the security hubs, alarms, and detectors.

So, if you have ADT SmartThings devices in your home, consider them useless.

Because you won’t be able to use them even as standalone devices.

If you wish to continue using ADT devices for your home security, call ADT at (800) ADT-ASAP.

They will provide you with information about self or professionally-installed systems.

“How about the SmartThing hubs and links?”

All SmartThings hubs v1 and links for NVIDIA SHIELD have stopped working since June 30, 2021.

Well, shutting down the SmartThing hub v1 is understandable since it’s a 7-year-old device.

Meaning, it’s outdated and can barely keep up with the SmartThings’ new technologies.

But, the ADT SmartThings Home Security Devices and SmartThings Links are “new” products.

So, it’s a little hard to swallow.

Especially if you’re a loyal user of these devices.

“Does it mean that I won’t be able to use my SmartThings app?”

You can still use the SmartThings app.

But unlike before, you can only automate devices that are WiFi and Bluetooth-enabled.

Smart devices that use Zigbee, Z-Wave, or LAN won’t work with SmartThings anymore.

In case your device is under warranty, you may receive a full or partial refund from Samsung.

Just head over to Samsung’s Refund Request Page to submit a claim.

Note: Refund requests are only exclusive for US customers.

Before submitting, make sure to prepare the following in advance:

  • Email address.
  • Contact number.
  • Proof of purchase.
  • Hub serial number.

Plus, you would need to return your hub or link dongle to Samsung using their provided UPS shipping label.

Samsung made it mandatory to recycle the devices properly.

“How can I keep using my smart devices with SmartThings?”

The removal of the SmartThings hub v1 affected the automation of many smart devices.

But even without it, SmartThings can still automate WiFi and Bluetooth-enabled devices.

Wondering if you can use a different hub to connect all your devices? Absolutely, yes!

In 2020, Samsung SmartThings partnered with Aeotec to release new products.

And that includes the new SmartThings hub, which is popularly dubbed as “Aeotec Smart Home Hub.”

Meaning, all SmartThings hardware is now manufactured by the IoT company, Aeotec.

You might not be able to buy SmartThings legacy products today. But you can buy Aeotec devices to ensure smooth automation with SmartThings.

Come December 2020. Aeotec officially labeled all Smart Home Hubs with “works as a SmartThings hub.”

Do you know what it means?

It means that with Smart Home Hub, users can again automate devices with SmartThings.

Since this hub can now connect Zigbee, Z-wave, and LAN devices with SmartThings.

“Can I migrate my custom settings and automations to the new hub?”

You can, but not to the full extent.

You still need to connect each of your smart devices to the new hub.

If you’re previously using a SmartThings Hub v1, you have to factory reset all your smart devices. Then connect them to your new Smart Home Hub.

You can refer to the SmartThings support page for the instructions.

If you’re using a SmartThings Hub v2 or v3, you must contact for assistance.

But before you can do that, you have to prepare the following:

  • Hub ID of your new hub.
  • Hub ID of your previous hub.

To identify the Hub ID of your devices:

  1. Log in to
  2. Select “My Hubs.”
  3. Then, note down the Hub IDs listed on the page.

Note: You can connect non-Samsung devices with SmartThings. Just look for the “Works with SmartThings” logo on the device’s packaging.

Reading tip: Do Eufy Cameras Work With SmartThings? The Complete Guide

“Is SmartThings reliable? Should I continue using it?”

SmartThings Reliability

Despite the changes, SmartThings remains the trusted platform by many smart homeowners.

Sure, Samsung SmartThings made a huge shift in their strategy. But they didn’t compromise their service and platform.

Samsung focused on developing and securing the platform.

So that many more brands and developers can work with them to make millions of households “smart.”

If you’re having second thoughts, give SmartThings a few more years to prove its worth.

As no one really knows where SmartThings is headed.

You may try to use other platforms. 

But know that it may cost you more money, time, and effort.

If you want to become practical, wait for Samsung to unravel their other plans first.

People also ask: 

Is Samsung killing SmartThings?

Samsung isn’t killing SmartThings; they’re just shifting their strategy. 

Instead of making it a “package” that comes with a hub and security devices, Samsung decides to make a shift.

They decide to turn SmartThings into a mere platform for automating smart devices.

That way, they can focus on improving the SmartThings features and security.

And they can encourage other brands to make their products work with SmartThings.

“But I thought Samsung SmartThings has stopped manufacturing their hubs?”

That’s true.

All their hubs, ADT security devices, and link dongles have stopped working since June 30, 2021.

But that doesn’t mean that SmartThings is now useless.

Smart devices that are WiFi and Bluetooth-enabled can still be connected with SmartThings.

Just look for any devices with a “Works with SmartThings” logo, and you’re good to go.

Plus, you can get a Smart Home Hub to connect your Zigbee, Z-wave, and LAN-dependent smart devices.

This hub works similarly to the original SmartThings Hub.

In fact, it’s recognized as the “new and improved SmartThings Hub.” Since it’s equipped with SmartThings software and features.

The only difference is that Aeotec manufactures its hardware.

So, if you want to continue automating your device with SmartThings, use Aeotec Smart Home Hub.

“Sounds pretty great! Except for the re-automating process…”

Don’t worry!

If you’re using a SmartThings Hub v2 or v3, you can contact SmartThings support for instructions. 

They’ll be glad to migrate your custom setting and automations from your old hub to your new hub.

What’s happening right now with SmartThings can be a hassle to some.

But just imagine how convenient and easy SmartThings automation would be after a few more years…

Knowing Samsung’s great and innovative plans for the platform.

Check out: 5 Steps To Create A Virtual Switch In SmartThings (How-To)