A red tint looks great on cinematic films,
But not when you’re watching the NFL Sunday Night Football!
So, go ahead and invite your family and friends for a weekend marathon…
Because I’m going to help you fix the red tinge on your TV screen today.
That being said…
Continue reading to learn:
- 9 possible reasons why your TV screen is red.
- 9 effective ways to remove the red tint on your TV unit.
- 8 steps to fix the loose LVDS cable to resolve display issues.
- 10 steps to realign the ribbon cable to fix video discoloration.
- And that’s only the beginning…
Why is my TV screen red?
Your TV screen is red due to improper cable connection and hardware defects. A red tint can also be caused by a leaked, ruptured, or disrupted electron gun on CRT TVs. Or a misaligned ribbon cable on the T-con board. Imbalanced picture settings and loose connections between boards can also be why.
9 reasons your TV screen is red+ how to fix it
#1: Improper cable connection
Improper cable connection is one of the most common reasons some TV screens turn red.
The reason:
Cables, regardless of type, have connector pins. And these are where the signals transfer from the input device to your TV.
When these fail to connect to the TV port properly, some signals will not reach your unit. And that can result in video discoloration.
How to fix it:
If your TV display becomes red after plugging an input device…
Reseat the cable(s). Make sure that both ends are properly seated in the ports.
Here’s how to do it:
- Disconnect the cable(s) connected to the TV.
- Disconnect the cable(s) connected to the input device.
- Reconnect the cable(s) into the TV port.
- Reconnect the cable(s) into the input device port.
Note: After that, make sure to adjust the TV input source. Otherwise, your TV won’t play content from your external device.
To do that, just press the SOURCE/INPUT button on the remote. Then, select the type of connection you’ve used (e.g., HDMI, AV, or optical).
Reading also: 7 Reasons Your TV Screen Is Pink + How To Fix It
#2: Temporary malfunction due to glitches
Sometimes your TV can temporarily malfunction due to glitches.
And when that happens, your unit can lose some of its functionality. Including its ability to output correct display colors.
That’s when your TV screen turns red. Or other times, even black.
How to fix it:
Resolving glitches on your TV is easy: Power cycle your unit.
This refreshes the TV system by turning off and on your unit.
To ensure great results, follow these instructions:
Step 1: Ensure that your TV is turned ON.
It should display any content or page on the screen.
Step 2: Locate the TV’s power cord. And unplug it from the socket.
Step 3: If your TV has a physical power button, press and hold it for about 5 seconds.
But if it doesn’t have one, keep your unit unplugged for 30 seconds.
Step 4: Replug your TV into the socket.
#3: Imbalanced picture settings
“My TV screen has a red tint even if I’m watching Live TV.”
If that’s the case, the problem must be with your TV’s picture settings.
This includes the settings for the TV’s display:
- Color.
- Hue/Tint.
- Contrast.
- Backlight.
- Sharpness.
- Brightness.
Your TV screen must have turned red because these settings are imbalanced.
To confirm whether this is what’s causing the problem, access your TV’s settings page.
If it appears normal (without discoloration)…
Then you might’ve accidentally changed something from the picture settings.
How to fix it:
To fix the problem, you have 2 options:
- Reset the picture settings.
- Adjust the settings manually.
If you want to keep some of your custom settings, check each setting to find the problem. Then, adjust it accordingly.
But if you want a quick fix, reset the picture settings.
To do that:
Note: Some steps vary depending on your unit. So, review your user’s manual as well.
- Go to settings.
- Select “Picture” or “Display.”
- Scroll down to the bottom.
- Then, click “Reset picture settings” or similar.
Doing this will return the TV’s picture settings to their defaults.
#4: Disrupted CRT magnetic field
Note: This specific solution only applies to CRT TVs. If you’re using a different type, jump to reason & fix #6.
Are there any magnets close to your TV?
If so, then that’s what’s causing your TV screen to turn red.
A CRT TV uses electron guns to display images on its screens. And it uses a magnetic field to control the electron guns’ projection.
When a magnet is close by, it can disrupt the TV’s magnetic field. And so cause the electron guns not to project certain colors in the display.
How to fix it:
What you have to do is to remove magnets near your CRT TV.
And that includes devices that have magnets, such as:
- VSRs.
- Amplifiers.
- Headphones.
- Robot vacuums.
- Home audio speakers.
- And other motorized gadgets and appliances.
#5: Defective CRT electron gun
Note: Again, this section also only applies to CRT TVs.
Colored CRT TVs have 3 electron guns:
- Red.
- Blue.
- Green.
When the green gun becomes dead, the red color on your TV screen will become more prominent.
“What causes it to be broken?”
It gets defective mostly due to old age and physical impact. But other things like recurring power surges can also cause it.
How to fix it:
If you want to save your TV, your best option is to replace the broken green electron gun.
However, you must know that getting an electron gun replacement can be expensive and hard to find. Especially knowing that CRT TVs aren’t popular these days.
So, better consult an appliance technician for leads and service.
Learn more: Why is my TV screen yellow?
#6: Misaligned ribbon cable

LCD TVs use ribbon cables to transfer video signals processed in the T-con board to the display panel.
There are 2 ribbon cables that connect the T-con board to the display panel.
And when either of these gets misaligned, your TV screen can have video discoloration.
How to fix it:
Check whether the ribbon cables in your TV have been misaligned.
If so, reseat them properly on the T-con board.
To do that:
Step 1: Unplug your TV from the socket.
Step 2: If it’s mounted, unmount your TV. And move it to a flat surface.
Step 3: Using a screwdriver, remove the TV’s back panel cover using a screwdriver.
There should be at least 4 screws you have to remove.
Step 4: Locate the T-con board.
It’s typically located at the top center of the TV. If it has a shielding, unscrew it as well.
Step 5: Look for the ribbon cables attached to it.
These are rectangular-shaped. And are usually white and have light blue ends.
Step 6: Carefully lift the tab that secures that ribbon cable.
Step 7: Remove the ribbon cable. Then, reattach it right after.
Step 8: If both ribbons are misaligned, repeat step #7 to the other cable.
Step 9: Close the tab to secure it back in place.
Step 10: Then, return the back panel cover of the TV. Including the T-con board shielding, if it has one.
You can also watch this video to learn more about this method:
#7: Loose LVDS cable of the mainboard and control board
The red tint on your TV screen can also be due to a loose LVDS cable.
It’s a cable inside the TV that connects the mainboard to the control board.
The mainboard holds and manages the TV’s functionality. Plus, this is where your external devices connect to.
While the control board (a.k.a logic board) ensures that everything is working properly. It’s located next to or under the mainboard.
How to fix it:
To resolve the red tint on the TV screen, reseat the LVDS cable that connects the mainboard to the control board.
Here’s how to do it:
- Unplug the TV.
- Remove its back panel cover.
- Access the TV mainboard and control board.
- Locate the LVDS cable that connects the two.
- Disconnect the cable from the mainboard.
- Disconnect the cable from the control board.
- Reconnect the cable to the mainboard.
- Reconnect the cable to the control board.
Make sure that it’s properly seated. Meaning, all the connector pins should be connected firmly to the boards.
Otherwise, you’d see the same problem with your TV screen again.
BONUS: Bent pins on the T-con board and mainboards’ LVDS cable
If not that, then perhaps the problem is with the LVDS cable that connects the TV mainboard to the T-con board.
The T-con board gets video signals from the mainboard. But it’ll fail to do so if their cables are loose.
Usually, a loose connection between the two happens due to bent connector pins.
If some of the pins are bent…
The signals can fail to transfer from the mainboard to the T-con board. Causing TV display malfunctions, such as a red TV screen.
How to fix it:
You can easily fix that by pressing the pins firmly into the connector plug.
For that, you’d need a pointy tool, such as a small flathead screwdriver.
Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to do it:
Step 1: Unplug your TV and wait for at least 1 minute.
That way, all residual power will be gone. And you’d be less likely to get electric shocks.
Step 2: Access the LVDS cable that connects the T-con board to the mainboard.
You can do that by unscrewing the TV’s back panel cover.
Step 3: Locate the LVDS cable that connects the two boards.
Step 4: Disconnect one end of the cable from the mainboard.
Step 5: Press each pin firmly into the block using a pointy tool.
Step 6: Reconnect the cable to the mainboard.
Step 7: Secure the TV by returning its back panel cover.
And then, open your TV to see if this fix has resolved the problem.
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