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(5 Fixes) Roku Blinking Blue Light [Updated 2023 Guide]

Roku Blinking Blue Light

They say blue lights boost your reaction time.

And I guess that’s true. 

Because when I saw a random blue light blinking on my Roku… 

I reacted faster than ever. 

But thankfully…

It was very easy to fix. 

Continue reading to find out:

  • The reasons why your Roku is blinking blue light. 
  • 5 quick fixes you can try to make the blinking stop.
  • How to know if the light you’re seeing is just a harmless indicator light. 
  • And much, much more… 

Why is my Roku blinking blue light?

Your Roku is blinking blue light because it’s experiencing some cable connection issues. Sometimes, it’s caused by compatibility problems between your TV and your Roku device. And in some cases, it happens because you’re using RCA cables instead of HDMI to connect your Roku.

Roku blinking blue light: 5 fixes

#1: Replace your USB connector cord 

Your Roku most likely came with a power cord inside its box. 

And although you’d expect these cords to last long-term… 

This isn’t always the case. 

Sometimes, these cables and cords can fail over time. 

And as a result, they stop providing enough power or connection to your Roku. 

So your device keeps blinking blue light to give a sign about these connection errors. 

But fortunately, it’s easy to fix this problem. 

Since the issue is coming from the USB cord of your Roku’s charger… 

All you have to do is replace it.

And not only can this fix your Roku’s blue-light blinking issue… 

Replacing its power cord can also prevent your Roku from overheating

Don’t you just love it when you hit 2 birds with 1 stone?

So without any more delay, let’s continue. 

To replace your power cable, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug your Roku’s power cord from the outlet. 
  2. Disconnect the cord from your device. 
  3. Now, separate the cord from the power adapter. 
  4. Take out your new power cable.
  5. Ensure that its ends aren’t covered by anything. 
  6. Plug the bigger end of the cable into the charger head or adapter. 
  7. Insert the other end to your Roku device. 
  8. Plug your Roku into a power source. 

Turn ON your Roku and TV again and check if the problem persists. 

If it does… 

#2: Replace your HDMI cables

Replace Your HDMI Cables

Another cable?”


When blue light keeps blinking on your Roku device…

Faulty wired connections usually cause it. 

And now that you’ve replaced your power cable… 

You need to change your HDMI cables as well. 

As simple as it may seem… 

The HDMI cable is an important component of your Roku setup. 

It’s how your Roku transfers its signals and data to your screen. 

So if the 1 you’re using is faulty… 

You need to replace it with a durable, high-quality HDMI cable.

Does the quality of HDMI cable really matter?”

It does. And if you’re wondering why… 

Here are the pros of using high-quality HDMI cables:

  • They won’t overheat.
  • They can last longer. 
  • They’re more flexible. 
  • They have a low chance of sudden failure.

So go ahead and grab yourself an HDMI cable with a high-quality.

There won’t be a drastic price difference… 

But you’ll see a noticeable improvement in your streaming experience. 

Once you have a new HDMI cable ready:

  1. Unplug your TV and Roku from their power source. 
  2. Disconnect the HDMI cable from the back of your TV.
  3. Unplug the other end of the cable from your Roku device. 
  4. Grab your new HDMI cable. 
  5. Plug 1 end to your TV.
  6. Insert the opposite side to your Roku.
  7. Plug your TV and device into their power source again.
  8. Turn ON your TV. 

Note: This fix doesn’t apply to Roku streaming sticks as they don’t use HDMI cables. 

Observe if your Roku is still blinking blue light. 

But if you’re thinking… 

“I don’t use an HDMI cable to connect my Roku to the TV.”

Then I suggest that you… 

#3: Try using the HDMI input of your TV

Note: This fix only applies to TVs with built-in HDMI ports. If your TV doesn’t have one, this won’t apply to you. 

If you’re not using an HDMI connection… 

Then you’re most likely using analog connections through RCA cables. 

And if you’re using RCA cables for Roku devices… 

Unless you’re using the Roku Express Plus model…

Then you’re probably using a converter. 

But even if a converter box has a lot of benefits… 

If your TV has an HDMI port, I suggest staying away from it. 


Because by having an extra step between the data transmission… 

Using RCA cables is more prone to getting bugs and glitches. 

So, this could be why your Roku device is blinking blue light.


Sometimes the input settings in your TV are the problem. 

But you can easily fix this by selecting a different source…

Which will also be part of this process. 

Not to mention…

HDMI cables can transmit higher video resolutions than RCA cables can. 

So by simply switching from RCA cables to an HDMI cable… 

You’re making at least 3 positive changes to your TV.

I know this fix creates fancy changes.

But don’t worry. The process will be easy, 


I’ll assist you every step of the way.

To connect Roku to the HDMI port of your TV:

  1. Unplug your TV and Roku device from their power source. 
  2. Gently disconnect the 3 RCA cables from your TV.
  3. Disconnect the opposite ends of the cables from your Roku unit. 
  4. Free an HDMI slot on your TV.
  5. Grab your HDMI cable. 
  6. Plug 1 end of the cable directly to your Roku device. 
  7. Insert the opposite end to the HDMI input on your TV.
  8. Make sure that all cables are connected securely. 
  9. Plug your TV and Roku into the outlet again.
  10. Turn ON your TV.

Check if the blinking continues.

If it stops, then that’s excellent news. 

But if you’re thinking about not having enough HDMI ports on your TV…

Stop worrying. I got you. 

It’s easy to add extra HDMI ports to your TV.

All you need is to buy a high-quality HDMI switch

And with this… 

You can turn 1 HDMI port into several slots. 

You might also want to know: Do Rokus Ever Go Bad? Common Problems, Signs & Tips

#4: Connect your Roku to another TV

If changing your cords and cables didn’t do the trick for you… 

Then if you can, try connecting your Roku to a different TV. 

This method will benefit you in 2 different ways: 

  • By replacing your original TV’s data on your Roku.
  • By letting you check if your original TV is the problem. 

Once you try connecting your Roku to a different TV… 

It’ll temporarily forget its connection with your original unit. 

And by doing so…

It can also forget any bugs or glitches associated with their connection. 

To check if it’s a minor glitch between your Roku and the original TV:

  1. Unplug your Roku from the TV it’s currently connected to. 
  2. Access a different TV.
  3. Plug your Roku into the new TV and turn it ON.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your Roku. 
  5. See if the blinking still occurs. 
  6. If it doesn’t, unplug the Roku and connect it to your previous TV using HDMI.
  7. Turn the Roku device and the TV ON.
  8. Set up your Roku again. 
  9. Check if your device is still blinking. 

For more information on how to connect a Roku device to a TV, watch this video:

This process resets the data between your original TV and your Roku. 

If your Roku doesn’t blink when connected to other TVs…

Then your current TV might be the problem. 

Try contacting your TV’s customer support and ask if they have any advice to fix the problem. 

But if your Roku blinks no matter where it’s connected to… 

Then your unit is the problem. 

Contact Roku’s customer support and ask for further assistance. 

#5: Just let it blink

This isn’t really a fix but rather a bit of advice. 

Because in some cases…

Roku devices emit a blinking light to indicate a status change, not a connection problem. 

The blinking blue light is sometimes just a reminder that your device is shutting down. 

So if you only see it happen occasionally… 

This might be the case. 

“Is there a way to check if the lights on my Roku are for indication only?” 

There is. 

Blue indicator lights often flash 10 minutes after you turn off your TV.

So all you have to do is:

  1. Turn your TV OFF.
  2. Set a timer for 10 minutes.
  3. Once your alarm goes off, observe your TV for at least 5 minutes. 

If you notice that the blue light only flashes during this instance…

Then I suggest just letting it blink.

It’s just your Roku device telling you.

Goodnight, I’m going to sleep now.”

And as long as you’re not experiencing any other issues with your Roku device… 

Just let it be.