Your friend often talks about their Smart TV’s crisp performance after 8 years…
While some other friend was bewildered as their lasted for only 3 years.
And it leaves you wondering:
“Seriously, how long do Smart TVs really last?”
Well, let me answer that for you.
Continue reading to discover:
- 9 must-read facts about the life span of Smart TVs.
- Which brand creates the TV models that last the longest.
- How you’d know if your Smart TV already needs a replacement.
- And this is just the beginning…
How long do Smart TVs last?
Smart TVs last for 7 years on average. However, how long your TV stays with you relies mainly on how you manage it. That said, if you know how to take care of your device correctly, it can last up to 10 years. But if you never pay attention to it, your TV might not reach its fifth year.
Smart TVs lifespan – 9 must-read facts
#1: Smart TVs have a 1-year warranty
Each Smart TV brand has its own specialty.
For example, Samsung Smart TVs are known for their excellent picture quality.
While those from LG are popular for their classic user interface.
But you’ll be glad to know that regardless of where you buy your Smart TV from…
It’ll most likely come with a fixed 1-year warranty, starting from its purchase date.
That said, it’s safe to say that no Smart TVs now will last for less than this duration.
Because with their warranty…
You can get a refund or get your Smart TV fixed for free if it breaks down in less than a year.
Now, if you’re thinking…
“What should I do to avail my device’s warranty?”
I got you. Here are the…
Things to prepare before sending your Smart TV for service under its warranty
Your TV’s serial number
You can think of this as the SSN of your device.
Because all Smart TVs have a unique serial number.
And it’s how companies distinguish devices that look identical to each other.
Moreover, this also helps support teams easily determine:
- When your TV was made.
- How to fix the damage to your TV.
- If the TV you’re asking them to fix matches the device on your receipt.
“Where can I find the serial number of my TV?”
You can easily find this at the back of your device or its settings menu.
Proof of purchase
Your POP is the receipt you got when you bought your TV.
And this can be in electric or physical form.
See, this verifies if your device is still under its 1-year warranty.
So really, you won’t be able to use your TV’s protection plan without this proof.
You might also want to know: 7 Best Smart TV Brands (According To An Expert)
#2: Smart TVs can also be hacked
It’s common knowledge that someone can hack your PC or phone.
But not everyone knows that Smart TVs are also prone to security risks.
That said, if you want your TV to last longer…
You should know how to protect your device from security threats or hackers.
“How do I do that?”
Glad you asked. Because I know…
3 tips to prevent your Smart TV from being hacked
Tip 1: Keep your TV up to date
This is the easiest yet most efficient way to protect your Smart TV.
So if you want to pay extra attention to the security of your device…
The first thing you should do is keep it updated.
Now, Smart TVs usually update automatically.
But unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen.
So, it’s best to manually check for TV updates at least once a week.
Tip 2: Download official apps only
Not gonna lie. Sometimes I also download 3rd-party apps on my TV.
Is it illegal?
But does it pose security risks to my device?
That’s because 3rd party apps haven’t been reviewed by TV companies.
Which means they may bring along security threats to your device.
So, as much as possible…
Try to stick to downloading only official apps on your TV.
Pro tip: If you really want to install 3rd party applications, do your research. And read unbiased reviews of the app from its previous users.
Tip 3: Use a stronger password for your Wifi
Hackers can also use your network to access your Smart TV.
So it’s crucial to ensure that your Wifi’s password is strong to avoid security threats.
Pro tip: Include at least 1 capital letter and a special character (if possible) in your network’s password. This way, it’ll be secured and harder to crack or guess.
#3: Smart TVs are sensitive to harsh temperatures
If you want your Smart TV to last longer than 5 years…
Then you should protect it from harsh temperatures.
See, while it’s true that technological devices can’t feel heat or cold like we do…
Their internal components are still affected when the temperatures around them are extreme.
That said, you should avoid letting your TV get too hot or too cold. So you can protect its sensitive parts.
With that in mind…
Here are some tips to protect your TV from harsh temperatures:
Tip 1: Place it away from your AC or heater
This seems pretty obvious.
But nevertheless…
It’s still worth mentioning that your Smart TV shouldn’t be too close to your AC or heater.
As a general guide…
Ensure that your TV is located at least 1 meter away from these devices.
This way, it won’t be affected by their moisture or saturated hot/cold air.
Tip 2: Turn your TV OFF when it gets too hot
External temperature isn’t the only factor you should consider.
That’s because your TV itself also generates heat.
With that said, you should turn your TV OFF when it becomes too hot to touch.
Or you may simply avoid using it for more than 4 hours straight. So you can prevent this from happening in the first place.
Tip 3: Place it away from the window
Inside your house…
The coldest or the hottest areas are the ones near your window.
That’s because the window glass lets the sun’s heat pass through in the summertime.
And during winter, it’ll also make the low temperature outside seep inside your home.
#4: Using a lower backlight extends your TV’s life
When companies say that their TVs last for a certain number of years…
That estimate assumes that you’ll set the device at its brightest. And that’s throughout its whole lifetime.
So simply speaking…
If you lower the backlight brightness of your TV, its lifespan will be longer.
That’s because brighter settings stress your TV’s internal components. And lowering its backlight reduces this pressure.
That said, if you want your TV to last as long as possible…
Avoid setting its picture mode to:
- Vivid.
- Movie.
- Dynamic.
Note: Exact names vary depending on the TV model.
That’s because these modes usually boost the contrast and brightness of your device.
And while they tend to make the display on your screen look better…
Unfortunately, these modes can also tire out your TV faster.
#5: Dust buildup can make Smart TVs fail faster
A TV’s lifespan isn’t dependent on its internal factors.
That’s because its hardware also plays a crucial role in how long it lasts.
That said, if your TV is constantly covered with debris or dust…
It’ll have low performance and also fail faster than its estimated lifespan.
“Why does that happen?”
Fair question.
See, if your TV is wrapped with foreign substances, it’ll:
- Generate heat faster.
- Have sensor and control problems.
- Potentially short circuit if specks of dust reach its motherboard.
And all of these don’t benefit your TV in any way.
That said, you should regularly clean your device’s screen using a microfiber cloth.
Warning: Wipe your TV screen with a dry towel. And never clean it using water and soap. Because liquid can permanently damage your TV.
#6: Mounting TVs to the wall make them last
Mounting your TV to the wall isn’t just aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
Because it also has practical purposes.
See, if your Smart TV is mounted, it’ll:
- Be less likely to accumulate dust.
- Be better protected from physical damage.
- Easily avoid the heat generated by other devices.
That said, I highly recommend mounting your TV to the wall.
Fun fact: Samsung invented the TV mounts.
#7: Unstable electricity can slowly kill your TV
Power surges.
Like all technological devices, your Smart TV isn’t immune to them too.
So if your wall outlet doesn’t produce stable or “clean” electricity…
Then your Smart TV can degrade faster without you knowing.
However, don’t worry. I know exactly how you can prevent this problem.
See, all you need to do is ensure that the outlet your TV is connected to has stable electricity.
And you can easily do that by…
Measuring your TV outlet’s voltage:
Important: Ensure that you’re wearing safety gloves and (any) footwear while doing this. So that you won’t risk getting electrically shocked.
- Prepare a multimeter.
- Set it to measure voltage.
- Insert its 2 probes into the slots in your outlet.
- Let the probes remain for 3 seconds.
- Check the value shown on your multimeter.
- Remember this voltage.
- Carefully remove the probes from your wall outlet.
Now, if this is your first time trying this procedure…
I highly recommend watching this short video tutorial so you have a visual guide:
Now, bear in mind that your house’s voltage should ideally be 120V.
But getting a reading from 114V to 126V is also acceptable.
That said, if your multimeter got a value within that range…
Then your wall outlet has stable electricity. So you don’t need to worry about your TV degrading faster because of its power source.
However, if you got a reading lower or higher than the acceptable voltage range…
You should contact your electricity provider or local electricians around you. And ask them to take a look at your house’s unstable voltage.
#8: Opening Smart TVs voids their warranty
I learned this the hard way. So you don’t have to.
But opening up your TV will void its warranty.
That said, if your smart device is encountering problems and you want to fix them…
It’s best to ensure that your TV isn’t under warranty anymore before you proceed to open it up. Or let other technicians disassemble it.
#9: A slow smart TV isn’t about to fail
A friend once asked me where she should buy her new TV from.
And her question left me confused.
Because that time, she only had her TV for 3 years.
So I was wondering why she was already looking for a new model.
And when I asked her, she told me…
“My TV is slow, so I guess it’s time to replace it now.”
Honestly, when I heard that…
I couldn’t help but take my friend into a little educational conversation about tech.
And eventually, I said:
“Don’t buy a new model. Because a slow Smart TV isn’t about to fail.”
Because really, there are many reasons why Smart TVs can slow down.
And fortunately, most of them are pretty easy to fix.
That said, let me show you…
Effortless ways to speed up a slow Smart TV
Fix 1: Keep your TV up to date
I’ve already mentioned that updating your TV is essential earlier.
But if you haven’t done it yet…
Here’s another sign to update your device to its latest firmware.
See, it’s one of the easiest ways to prevent your Smart TV from slowing down.
Or to make it faster again if it’s already slow.
So before you render your Smart TV unusable because of its turtle-like speed…
See if a quick firmware update can fix this problem.
Fix 2: Update your TV apps

More apps mean more work for your Smart TV.
But fortunately, applications won’t slow your device too much if they’re always up to date.
That said, every time you update your TV…
Try to do the same to its applications as well. So that your device will have an easier time running its system.
Fix 3: Ensure that your Internet isn’t the problem
If your network speed is slow…
Your Smart TV will also have a hard time loading its system.
That said, if your device is taking extremely long to load…
Try to troubleshoot your Internet first by:
- Placing your router closer to the TV.
- Removing other devices from your network.
- Restarting your router (unplugging it from the outlet and plugging it again).
You may also contact your Internet provider to ask for more tips on how you can make your Internet faster.
You might also be interested: 6 Things To Do if Your Smart TV Slows Down the Internet
How do I know if my Smart TV needs a replacement?
You’d know if your Smart TV needs a replacement if it:
- Keeps flickering.
- Has a faded display.
- Has dead pixels on its screen.
- Shows bars and lines on its display.
- Is still slow despite already troubleshooting it.
That’s because these problems require in-depth repairs and troubleshooting measures.
And fixing them can sometimes cost more than simply buying a new Smart TV.
Which Smart TV brand lasts the longest?
The Smart TV brand Sony lasts the longest. That’s because its TV models can last for as long as 7-10 years with proper care. Next up on the list are the brands LG, Samsung, and Panasonic. Their TV models also have reliable life spans ranging from 5 to 7 years.
However, as mentioned earlier, how long your Smart TV lasts still depends on how well you treat it.
See, even if the average life span of your device is 7 years…
Your Smart TV won’t be able to remain functional for that long if you:
- Never update it.
- Don’t clean its surface.
- Use it for more than 8 hours straight daily.
- Regularly expose it to extreme temperatures.
With that said, keep the must-know facts I’ve listed above in mind. So that you can properly take care of your Smart TV.