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Can Teachers See Your Screen On Zoom? (How To Find Out)

Can Teachers See Your Screen On Zoom

Virtual classes have only been popular for a couple of years.

So there are still many things most students don’t know.

And 1 of the main questions I usually get asked regarding Zoom meetings is…

“Can teachers see my screen during class?”

I know you’re wondering the same. So let me tell you all about it.…

Continue reading to find out: 

  • How to know if your teacher can see your screen. 
  • The 9 steps you need to take to share your device’s display in Zoom. 
  • Whether or not your class instructor can force you to show your screen. 
  • And this is just the beginning… 

Can teachers see your screen on Zoom?

Teachers can only see your screen on Zoom if you decide to share it. And no feature allows them to view your device’s screen without permission. So, if you don’t voluntarily show your display to the meeting, your teacher won’t know what’s on your device’s screen. 

How to know if your teacher sees your screen on Zoom

You’ll know if your teacher sees your screen on Zoom because you’ll see the screen-sharing bars on your device. 

However, it’s worth noting that when you’re sharing your screen in the app… 

Your teacher isn’t the only 1 who can see your device’s display. Because all Zoom participants also can.

So it’s crucial to know the signs that your app’s screen-sharing mode is ON. So you can avoid getting in trouble with your teacher or embarrassing yourself in front of the class.

With that said… 

The easiest way to know if your teacher can see your screen is if you see Zoom’s control bars or windows on your screen. 

“What do they look like?

1 of them will look like a thin horizontal bar that’s green on the left and red on the right.

To be specific, the green portion will have the text: “You are screen sharing.” And the red section has the words: “Stop Share.”

The 2nd bar, on the other hand, will appear as a big gray control tab on your screen. Or at the bottom of your Zoom app. 

And on this second window, you’ll see the options named:

  • Polls.
  • Mute. 
  • Security.
  • Stop Video.
  • New Share.
  • Participants.
  • Pause Share. 

“I see the gray bar, but I don’t see the “Stop Video” option.”

Then that means you’re just a host/co-host of the meeting. But you’re currently not sharing your screen. 

With that in mind, if you don’t see any of the 2 windows or bars on your display…

That means your teacher can’t see your screen. 

Now, of course, though… 

The best way to avoid accidentally showing your screen to the teacher is to…

Know how to share your display in the first place.

That said, let me show you how you can…

Share your screen with your teacher on desktop devices

#1: Get invited as a co-host

For most Zoom meetings, the teacher hosts the session.

So the first step you’d need to take to share your screen is to be turned into a co-host.

See, only hosts and co-hosts can share their screens in Zoom.

So if you’re neither of the 2, you won’t be able to do so.

#2: Select the Share Screen option 

As a co-host…. 

You’ll see a green icon at the center of your meeting controls at the bottom of the Zoom app.

It’ll be labeled as Share Screen. And it’ll work exactly as its name signifies.

So now, you should select this option and proceed to…

#3: Choose the window you’d like to share

Choose The Window You'd Like To Share

A new window will show up. And it’ll have a preview of all the websites or apps currently open on your PC.

So from here, you should simply select the content you want to share with your teacher. 

“What types of windows can I share in Zoom?”

Good question. 

You can share all types of content on Zoom, including:


These can be saved locally on your device. But they can also be online files.


You can use local applications to play these videos.

However, you can also use websites like Youtube to share a video in Zoom. 


You can share all desktop browsers in Zoom. So you don’t need to use specific ones. 


You can use the classic Microsoft Office Powerpoint.

But you can also share Google slides that offer similar services. 


This option allows you to share the mobile device’s screen connected to your desktop. 


If you want to share your desktop’s whole screen… 

You can also simply select the Screen option from the choices. 

Note: The windows you’re sharing with Zoom participants are outlined in green. 

After sharing the content you selected with the class… 

You’ll start to see the gray control bar at the top of your screen. 

Pro tip: You can freely move this wherever you want to.

“Can my teacher also see this bar?”

No, because it’ll only be visible to you. 

And now that you’ve started sharing your screen, you can continue to…

#4: Navigate using the Zoom controls

If you wish to talk while sharing your screen…

You can simply select the Unmute option on your controls. 

And you can also turn ON your camera if you wish to do so. 

Note: You can always turn these features OFF anytime you’re sharing your screen. 

Now, if you’re wondering… 

“Can I also pause the screen-sharing feature?”

Yes, you definitely can. 

All you need to do is tap the Pause Share option on your control bar. And your teacher and other Zoom participants won’t be able to see your screen until you unpause it again. 

If you want more tips about using the screen sharing feature in Zoom, watch this video:

#5: Stop screen sharing

After you’ve shared everything you wanted or needed to…

You can proceed to stop sharing your screen in Zoom. 

To do so, just tap the Stop Video on your controls.

Or you may also select the Stop Share on the small red and green window on your screen.

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Share your screen with your teacher on mobile devices

#1: Be the Zoom meeting host or co-host

As mentioned earlier, you need to ensure that you’re the meeting’s co-host at the very least. 

Or you won’t be able to share your screen otherwise. 

“How do I become 1?”

Only the person who started the meeting can add a co-host. So you should ask the host of your Zoom to assign you as such.

#2: Tap Share 

You’ll see this option in the meeting controls on your phone. 

And it’ll have a green arrow icon pointing upwards.

Once you tap this option, you’ll have the choice to… 

#3: Select the content you’d like to share

You’ll have the choice to share…


You can select any photo-sharing app like Google Photos or your phone’s local image app.


This option will share the whole screen of your mobile device.

And Zoom participants will see your gadget’s display regardless of the app or window you’re on. 


You can share PDFs stored on your phone with the Zoom participants. 

Online storage

You’ll also have the choice to share content inside your:

  • Dropbox.
  • Google Drive.
  • Microsoft OneDrive.

And similar apps to your teacher or classmates. 


You can simply type the URL you’d like to share on Zoom.

And it’ll automatically load on your and other participants’ screen. 

#4: Stop sharing your screen

It’s pretty easy to stop screen sharing on Zoom.

Because all you need to do is tap the Stop Share or Stop Sharing you see on your controls. And you’ll immediately be brought back to the Zoom app and the meeting controls. 

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What can my teacher see when I share my screen?

The content that your teacher will see when you screen share on Zoom depends on what you allow them to. 

As mentioned earlier….

Every time you share your display, you’ll have the option to let participants see:

  • A video.
  • Your entire screen.
  • 1 or some applications.
  • A specified portion of your screen.

So the information your teacher will see from your device relies on how much you want to show. 

Can my teacher control my device when I screen share? 

Your teacher won’t be able to control your device when you share your screen.

And the only thing they can do is observe the display you’re showing. 

That said, even if you share your screen, participants won’t be able to:

  • Open any of your apps.
  • Engage with any documents you show.
  • Access other windows that you didn’t share. 

So you don’t have to worry about your device’s privacy being breached when you share your screen on Zoom. 

Can my teacher force me to share my screen?

Your teacher can’t force you to share your screen on Zoom.

That’s because this action is purely voluntary. So only you can decide if you want to share your screen or not.

And if your teacher really wants you to share your device’s display…

They must first turn you into a co-host of the meeting. Then, ask you to do this action yourself. 

Can my teacher read my private messages on Zoom?

Your teacher won’t be able to read your private messages on Zoom. And that’s even if you’re sharing your screen through the app. 

However, it’s worth noting that…

Your teacher can choose to disable private messages between classmates.

So even if they can’t directly see the chats you’re sending…

They can turn OFF this feature during your Zoom class completely. 

Can teachers see what apps are open on my device on Zoom?

Your teachers won’t be able to see what applications you have in use if you’re not sharing your screen.

That’s because the only aspect they’ll know about you is whether or not your mic and camera are ON.