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Why Is Your Ecobee Blowing Cold Air? (7 Causes and Fixes)

Why Is My Ecobee Blowing Cold Air

A thermostat is necessary to keep your home warm and cool because it allows you to change the temperature according to your preferences.

It also contributes to the symmetry of your heating and cooling requirements, which results in improved energy usage in the long run.

So, how come your Ecobee is blowing cold air?

If your Ecobee is blowing cold air, a wiring malfunction might be the primary cause. Other reasons behind this abnormal activity are overheating, short cycling, and incorrect system settings. You can fix some of these problems with simple troubleshooting steps, but others require expert assistance.

There are several safety sensors and components, and every one of them must function correctly.

If you’re troubled with your Ecobee blowing cold air, read on.

I’ll discuss some suggestions to assist you in making the most of your Ecobee thermostat and resolving the temperature issues that may arise while using it.

Read also: Why Does My Ecobee Sensor Say Unoccupied? 17 Simple Steps

1. Ecobee Thermostat Not Blowing Hot Air

The cooling or heating systems in our homes can be highly complex systems.

Usually, you can rely on your Ecobee thermostat to maintain the temperature in your home at the desired level.

However, it’s not uncommon for them to cease operating for a variety of reasons at any point in time. 

One of the major problems every home faces is your Ecobee thermostat not blowing hot air.

How To Fix

If this happens, one thing you can check is the breaker switch at the main breaker panel. 

Try switching it back on if it has been tripped. Make sure that the power is being supplied to the furnace.

You can use a multimeter to test for continuity. You can also call an electrician to further check the other electrical problems. 

2. Your Ecobee Thermostat Isn’t in “Heat Mode”

Another thing to check is if your Ecobee thermostat is in heat mode.

Your Ecobee thermostat must display an orange-colored outline of a flame when it’s in heat mode.

If the flame icon is white, then the thermostat is probably not in heat mode.

Also, you should program your thermostat to call for heat when you’re indoors.

It should also reach a temperature drop of about 0.5 °F or 0.3 °C below the preset heat point.

This is commonly known as the ‘heat differential temperature.’ 

On the other hand, if the temperature inside your home doesn’t drop below the preset heat point, the thermostat won’t call for heat.

How To Fix

To fix the issue of your thermostat not being in heat mode, you should disable the Auto Heat/Cool feature from your system settings.

The Auto mode feature is a default setting in your Ecobee system. This setting automatically heats or cools your device. 

3. A Tripped Safety Sensor Turns Off the Heat

When the furnace overheats, the safety sensors might also trip, likely turning off the heat.

Also, the system might stop working unless it has been cooled down or reset. Because of this, your device would blow cold air instead of hot.

Some of the usual reasons for overheating are:

  • The furnace has been running for a long time. The colder the temperature outside, the longer and harder your furnace will run to keep the warm temperature indoors. However, this will also likely be the cause of your furnace overheating.
  • Reduced airflow. Dirt on the air filters can reduce the airflow through the furnace, which may also cause overheating. Thus, when it’s clogged, then clean or replace the filters for better airflow. Another option is to call a technician to perform a deep clean in your furnace’s filter.

How To Fix

Here are some of the things to check to make sure that your furnace doesn’t overheat:

  • There shouldn’t be an obstruction to the vent.
  • Clean your filter regularly. Replace if necessary.
  • Clean your furnace’s blower fan and its coil at least every year.
  • Avoid running your heater for over a long period.

4. Your Ecobee’s Fan Is Set to “Always On”

Another reason your Ecobee is pushing cold air when it shouldn’t is probably because of its fan. Incorrect settings could make your fan produce cold air.

Another setting worth remembering is your fan’s Heat or Cool Dissipation.

With this setting turned on, it’ll keep your fan running over a short period after your HVAC system has shut down. 

Moreover, it’ll save you money and energy through the use of all the available heat generated by your system.

How To Fix

If incorrect fan settings are a concern, the quick fix is to look at whether you’ve set the fan to “always on.”

Fans that are always turned on will blow air constantly throughout the day.

The fan settings are set on auto by default. But you can change this system configuration if you want to adjust the fan usage.

You might also like: Why your Ecobee is running when it shouldn’t?

5. Your Ecobee Thermostat Doesn’t Have a Heat Set Point

Another reason for cold air is that your Ecobee thermostat might be blowing air beyond your preferred set point range.

Adding a set point range is essential to prevent your device from blowing air outside the preferred temperature.

How To Fix

You can check your thermostat’s heat set point and adjust it to one degree higher than the current temperature.

You have to make sure that your thermostat is either set to Auto or Heat Mode before changing its settings.

Use the slider on the main screen display to increase or decrease the temperature.

Set point temperatures are usually displayed under the current temperature.

6. Your Ecobee Has Faulty Wiring

Your Ecobee Has Faulty Wiring

If your Ecobee has faulty wiring, the device could blow cold instead of hot air.

There are different available guides online for wiring an Ecobee system.

But, to make sure that your thermostat is wired correctly, it’s best to seek the help of a professional.  

An electrician or an HVAC professional could ensure that your system is wired correctly.

Professionals could also correct pre-existing problems that they might see on your system.

7. An Old Ecobee Causes System Malfunction

If your HVAC system is somewhere between 15-20 years old, many of its components will fail over time, from its wiring to the motor.

Such devices are prone to having system malfunction, like the uncommon blowing of cold air.

A best practice is to do an annual inspection to avoid costly repairs out of your HVAC system.

BONUS: Your Furnace Is Short Cycling

Short cycling is a process when a furnace turns off too soon during the heating cycle. 

Your furnace short cycling can happen occasionally.

But if it happens most of the time, the furnace motor and its heat exchanger may get damaged over time.

This problem would eventually make the system overheat, causing it to blow cold air.

How To Fix

The most common way to fix short cycling is to clean the air filter of your furnace. A clogged air filter is the main culprit behind short cycling.

Another thing you could check is leaks. A leaky ventilation system could also cause short cycling in your device.

If such problems occur, you should seek an expert’s help to fix your Ecobee.  


Having an Ecobee is an excellent way to control the temperature at your house.

However, there are times when your device isn’t doing what it’s supposed to.

A damaged Ecobee could cause it to malfunction, making it blow cold instead of hot air.

If you’re experiencing this problem, it’s best to know about the various reasons behind it and the ways to fix it.

Once you already have an idea of these causes and fixes, you’ll be able to prevent such problems in your Ecobee in the future.

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