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How To Stop a Roku From Streaming When TV Is Off (3 Steps)

How To Stop Roku From Streaming When TV Is Off

In 2021, Roku reported 55 million monthly users in the U.S, the company’s highest user count of all time since its launch in 2008.

More users are using the platform every day, but they need a way to reduce its bandwidth consumption, especially if the TV is off. 

Rokus turn on automatically once plugged in and remain powered on. If you want to ensure that the Roku is not streaming when the TV is off, consider unplugging it from the TV or power outlet. 

Read ahead for details on how to stop a Roku from streaming when the TV is off.

Additionally, this article will explore why Roku devices remain in a powered-on state until removed from a power source. 

How To Ensure a Roku Is Powered Off

Roku products don’t typically feature a power button to turn the device on and off.

Power is supplied to the device when it’s plugged in, and it remains on even if the TV is powered off. 

While the Roku draws very little power, you may want to unplug it to disconnect it from the internet or conserve energy when the TV isn’t in use. 

1. Unplug the Roku From Your TV

Most Roku products connect to your television via an HDMI connection.

HDMI slots don’t always provide power to devices, so it might not be necessary to unplug the Roku from your TV. 

However, some HDMI inputs do provide a small amount of power to Roku devices. In this case, turning off the TV will turn off your Roku. 

If you want to rest easy and ensure absolutely no power is making it through to your Roku, consider disconnecting it from your TV first. 

2. Unplug the Roku From the Power Outlet

Most Roku models are plugged into a power outlet after being connected to the TV.

This supplies power to the device and turns it on without pressing a button or using the remote. 

This also means that the device stays powered on, even when the TV is off. It also remains connected to the internet. 

To prevent this, you have to disconnect the Roku from its power source.

Unplug it from the wall outlet or surge protector to ensure it does not receive power. 

Alternatively, you can consider plugging the Roku into an outlet controlled by a switch, which will allow you to turn the device off without having to unplug it. 

Reading tip: How to turn on a Roku TV without a remote?

3. There Are Some Exceptions

Most Roku devices can be powered off by unplugging them from the wall outlet. However, there are a few exceptions. 

As mentioned previously, some HDMI slots provide power to the Roku, removing the need to plug it into an external power source.

Roku also offers USB-based products that work the same way. 

In these cases, the TV is supplying power to the device. When the TV is turned off, so is the Roku.

This eliminates the need to unplug the device, although it will take longer to boot up. 

Additionally, Roku 4 stands out from the other devices as it has a dedicated power button and includes a built-in cooling fan.

Pressing the button will power the device off completely. 

Another option is to set the device to turn off after 30 minutes of inactivity. To do this: 

  1. Press HOME  

How To Turn Off a Roku Smart TV

How To Turn Off A Roku Smart TV

Recently, numerous TV manufacturers have teamed up with Roku to produce smart televisions based on the Roku streaming platform.

This means that all of the functionality is built into the TV. 

Powering off the TV with the power button or remote is the only way to turn Roku Smart TVs.

There are a few other power-saving options you can find under SETTINGS > SYSTEM > POWER

  • Reduce Power After 15 Minutes: Allows the TV to go into standby mode if it goes unused for 15 minutes. 
  • Turn Off After Four Hours: Powers off the TV after 4 hours of continuous use. 
  • Standby LED: Turn this off to save power. 
  • Fast TV Start: Keeps the television in a standby state, similar to other Roku products. This allows for shorter boot times and updates the software while idle, but turning off conserves energy. 

Why Roku Devices Stay Powered On

You might consider unplugging your Roku device to keep it from:

  • Streaming 
  • Connecting to the internet 
  • Wasting electricity 

However, the devices are meant to stay powered on and only draw a small amount of power when in standby mode. 

While on standby, the Roku searches the internet for software and app updates and applies them in the background. 

This allows the device to keep itself up to date.

When you want to use your Roku, you can quickly power it on and start watching content without worrying about the software. 

Unplugging a Roku keeps it from performing this self-maintenance process.

As a result, the next time you turn the device on, the software may be out of date. 

Out-of-date software can cause compatibility issues, and some apps may not function correctly.

You may not even be able to use the Roku until it is up to date, which may be done manually.

To manually update your Roku, navigate to SETTINGS > SYSTEM > SYSTEM UPDATE > CHECK NOW

This will prompt your Roku to search the internet for updates and apply them automatically. 


Since Rokus are peripheral devices separate from your TV, they continue to draw power when the TV is off. Additionally, they stay connected to the internet. 

This is to allow the product to perform automatic software and application updates in the background, so users don’t have to do it manually.

It also helps the device power on quickly. 

If you want to prevent your Roku device from streaming, drawing power, or connecting to the internet while your TV is off, consider unplugging it, but ensure that the apps and software stay up-to-date to keep your media streaming experience smooth and enjoyable. 

Read next: 7 Reasons Why Your Roku TV Keeps Turning Off by Itself