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9 Ways To Fix A TV With No Sound But Picture (2023 How-To)

How To Fix A TV With No Sound But Picture

No sound on your TV even though it has a picture?

There are many possible reasons why.

Is it a hardware or a software issue?

Or is it both?

Today, you’ll know.

And how you can fix it, whatever your TV brand is.

Read on to find out:

  • Some simple ways to resolve the issue.
  • If you should open your TV to find the root cause.
  • 9 fixes for a TV with no sound but displays pictures.
  • And so much more…

Why does my TV have no sound but picture?

Your TV has no sound but it has a picture because it may be muted, the volume is turned down, or something is plugged into its headphone jack. Or you should change the channel or restart your TV. You may also need to check your speakers, cable connections, input settings, and even TV firmware.

How to fix a TV with no sound but picture: 9 ways

#1: Check TV volume

Don’t laugh. 

This is one of the most common reasons why your TV may have no sound even though it has a picture.

Before you panic about your TV’s audio problem, don’t forget to give this super simple fix a shot.

Sometimes, it’s the most mundane things in life that solves our problems.

So no, you don’t need to open up your TV to see why.

Or you shouldn’t, at least, if you don’t want to damage it for good and void your warranty.

So whatever you do, get your remote first and turn up the volume and see how it goes.

#2: Check if your TV is muted

No go?

That’s alright, we have 9 more fixes to go.

The next thing for you to try is to check whether your TV is on mute.

“Do people even mute their TVs? Why do I need to do this?”

According to a study by Sharethrough, 1 out of 3 people actually mute their TVs during commercial breaks.

And this could explain why you’re not getting any sound from your TV.

This is even more important if you’re not the only person who uses your TV.

To check whether your TV has been muted, you just have to:

  1. Get your remote.
  2. Press the “Mute” button. Check if the sound comes on.
  3. Press the “Mute” button again. Check if your TV has sound now.

#3: Check the headphone jack

This is another easy fix that may solve the lack of sound coming from your TV.

Most TVs come with a headphone jack for… yes, you guessed it, headphones.

If something is plugged into the port, your TV naturally won’t play audio that you can hear.

If you’re not wearing headphones.

“Where do I find the headphone jack?”

It depends on your specific brand and model, but normally, the port is on the back or the side of the TV.

“I have a streaming device, what about that?”

If you have a streaming device, you should also check the headphone jack.

A Roku 3 or Roku UItra, for example, has a headphone port.

The same thing applies if you’re using your TV as a monitor for your gaming console, such as:

And if you have a cable box, that would also have a headphone jack.

Check the headphone port of your streaming device, gaming console, or cable box.

#4: Check connection cables

So your TV’s volume isn’t set to zero, it’s not on mute, and nothing’s been inserted into the headphone jack.

Why does it still have no sound, even though it has pictures?

What you should check next are your cable connections.

There are different kinds of cables that you can use for audio for your TV. These include:

If your TV is connected to external speakers, you’ll also have specific cables that control audio.

To check whether your TV issue is because of cable connections, you should check if:

  • Any of the ports are damaged.
  • Any of the cables are damaged.
  • The cables are connected securely and firmly.

If any of the above is an issue, chances are that’s the reason why your TV has no sound.

To fix your cable connections:

  1. Unplug everything from your TV ports.
  2. Reconnect them securely.

If you have a Samsung TV, you can do an HDMI cable test.

Note: Only certain models can do this test, and others have it only after a software update.

To perform an HDMI cable test on your Samsung TV, first, make sure that your TV is on the HDMI setting.

And then, you just need to:

  1. Go to Settings, and then find “Support”.
  2. Scroll down until you find “Self Diagnosis”.
  3. Tap on “Signal Information”, and then select “HDMI Cable Test”.
  4. Choose “Start Test”.

If your HDMI cable has been damaged, the test will tell you.

If there is damage to any of the cables or the ports, it’s best to contact a professional for help.

#5: Check your TV’s audio input settings

If none of the above fixes have worked for your case, it’s time to check your audio input settings.

“What is audio input?”

Audio input, in simple terms, is what sends audio signals to a device, like your TV.

And when your TV’s audio input settings are not set properly, you get audio issues.

One of the most common ways that your audio input settings are compromised is when someone presses the wrong button on the TV remote.

For instance, if you or anyone in your house accidentally presses “AUX”.

When this happens, your TV’s audio input will automatically change to AUX.

Which means that something must be connected to the AUX port for the sound to play.

There are different ways to check the audio input settings for different TV brands.

We’ll take you through a couple of them.

For a TCL Roku TV, you can check and set the audio input settings by:

Step 1: Get your remote, and then press the Home button.

Step 2: Find Settings.

Step 3: Press the right arrow button, and then choose Audio.

Step 4: Press the right arrow button again, and choose Audio mode.

Step 5: Press the right arrow button once more, and then choose Auto (Stereo).

For a Samsung TV, you can do a Sound Test to check if the audio input settings are set properly.

To do this:

  1. Go to Settings, then choose “Support”.
  2. Tap on “Self Diagnosis”, and then choose “Start Sound Test”.

The test will tell you if there is an issue with your audio settings.

In case there is, you can reset your sound settings by doing the following:

  1. Go to Settings, and then Find “Sound”.
  2. Choose “Expert Settings”.
  3. Finally, choose “Reset Sound”.

Watch how you can reset audio settings for an Android TV:

#6: Check internal and external speakers

“Oh no, I still can’t hear any sound coming from my TV.”

If nothing still works, you need to see if there is an issue with your TV speakers.

Both internal and external.

Internal speakers sometimes get damaged because of too much pressure.

One case is when you’re always blasting your TV at full volume.

Also, if you’re using an amplifier that has more power than your speakers, your TV speakers may get pushed past their limits.

For internal speakers, there are a few things that you can try to check if they’re damaged.

  1. Get your remote and access your audio menu.
  2. Find the Pan control, and start by panning left. Check if there is sound.
  3. Pan to the right. Also check if there is sound.

If you don’t hear anything from one or both sides, your internal speakers need to be replaced.

You also need to assess if your external speakers are doing fine.

This could also sometimes be the reason why you don’t hear any sound from your TV.

Checking the audio settings on your external speakers depends on your make and model.

Read next: 5 Steps to Connect Bluetooth Speakers to a Roku TV

For a Sony TV with ARC/eARC that’s using a soundbar, an AV receiver, or another audio system:

Step 1: First, set “Control for HDMI” for both the TV and your audio system to “On”.

Step 2: On your audio system, find HDMI settings; then, set the Audio Return Channel (ARC)/audio input mode to “On”.

Step 3: On your TV, set the audio output destination to “Audio System”.

Step 4: Then, press the “Input” or “TV” button on the remote control for your audio system.

Step 5: Turn your TV on, then turn your audio system on.

Step 6: Set your TV’s digital audio output setting to PCM.

On an LG TV, you can check whether your external speakers are okay by:

  1. Go to Settings on your remote control.
  2. Choose “All Settings”, then choose “Sound”.
  3. Choose “Sound Out”.
  4. Choose which output applies: HDMI ARC, Optical, Bluetooth.

What about on a Samsung TV?

  1. Go to Settings on your remote, then choose “Sound”.
  2. Choose “Sound Out” or “Sound Expert”.
  3. Choose the audio output: HDMI ARC, Optical, Bluetooth, etc.

After configuring your external speakers, you should be able to hear sounds from the TV.

If not, contact your external audio system manufacturer for assistance.

You may also like: No Sound on Samsung TV: 9 Causes & Ways to Fix the Audio

#7: Change to a different channel

What if it’s not your TV, your audio input settings, or your speakers?

Then it may be the channel that you’re watching.

You can test this by simply going to another channel.

And then wait if you hear anything.

#8: Restart your TV

If nothing has worked yet, don’t worry.

Next, we’re going to try something that has fixed so many problems on so many devices: restarting.

To restart your TV, you just need to:

  1. Press and hold the Power button on the TV for a few seconds.
  2. Disconnect devices that are connected to your TV.
  3. Unplug your TV from the wall.
  4. Plug it in, power it back up, then wait for it to reboot.

This may seem very simple, but it’s worked in so many instances.

This is because rebooting helps refresh your TV’s settings.

And when you power it back up again, the issue may get solved.

#9: Update your TV

Update TV

Still no sound?

Your TV may need a software update.

Your TV should run on the latest software version to work at its best.

The process for this varies according to the manufacturer, but generally:

Step 1: On your computer, go to your TV manufacturer’s website.

Step 2: Search for any updated versions of your TV’s software.

Step 3: Download it to your computer, then save it on a flash drive.

Step 4: Plug in your flash drive to your TV.

Step 5: Download the updated software version.

After updating your TV, you should already be able to hear sounds.

BONUS: Do a factory reset

Have you reached this part and still got no sound on your TV?

A factory reset may be in order.

A factory reset is when you reset your device back to its factory settings.

This means that all the configurations you did on it would be lost.

And in some cases, restoring out-of-the-box settings will fix audio issues.

As with doing an update, the process may differ according to your TV’s brand.

But as a general rule, you can do a factory reset by doing the following:

  1. Go to Settings on your remote.
  2. Find the option to reset factory settings.
  3. Follow the instructions on your screen.

“Will that void my warranty?”

No. But to be safe, consult your manual and contact your manufacturer.