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7 Steps To Connect a Merkury Light Bulb to WiFi (How-To)

How To Connect Merkury Light Bulb To WiFi

Merkury light bulbs are a huge step forward in lighting technology.

You can use them anywhere you would use a traditional incandescent light, but these smart bulbs allow you to create a lighting system that fits your home and personality perfectly. 

Here’s how you get your Merkury bulb connected: 

  1. Download the Geeni app. 
  2. Register your account. 
  3. Plug in the Merkury bulb and turn the power on. 
  4. Find your light on the app. 
  5. Set your controls. 
  6. Resetting your Merkury Light Bulb
  7. Fixing WiFi problems

Merkury light bulbs give you total control over your lighting.

You can schedule when they come on and even change their brightness and color.

Read on to see how you can make the most of your Merkury bulbs. 

1. Download the Geeni App

You use the Geeni application to control Merkury light bulbs on your smartphone.

Geeni is available for Apple iPhone and Android. So, get the latest version from the app store.

There are also versions for Windows and Macintosh if you want to control Merkury light bulbs via a laptop or desktop. 

2. Register Your Account

Creating a Geeni Account is pretty straightforward as well. 

You start by inputting your name and either a cell phone number or an email address.

Then you will need to input a confirmation code that Geeni will send you. After that, you can create your username and password. 

3. Plug in the Merkury Bulb and Turn the Power On

You can use a Merkury light bulb pretty much anywhere you would use an old-fashioned incandescent bulb.

They screw into place just like the old bulbs, and once you have them programmed you can turn the lights on and off with the traditional switch.

Their built-in memory will store the settings once they’re plugged in. 

Merkury bulbs are incredibly efficient and powerful too.

A Merkury light can easily take the place of an old 75-watt (0.625-amp) bulb while using only 11 watts (0.09 amps) of power.

That efficiency means Merkury light bulbs give off less heat and save you money on your electric bills. 

So let’s see what that new bulb can do — screw it into place in your lamp or light fixture, and turn the power on. 

The bulb should be blinking on and off about twice a second. This means your bulb is in “easy” programming mode.

(If it’s blinking at a slow rate, on for two seconds, then off for two seconds, that means it’s in “AP” mode. Check out Step 6 below.) 

Learn more: Can Merkury smart bulbs be used outside?

4. Find Your Light on the App

Find Your Light On The App

That blinking is the bulb’s way of signaling to you that it is in good working condition and waiting for instructions.

The next step is to open the Geeni app and look for your new bulb. 

Enter “search for new device” mode (that is the “+” on the main page) then instruct it to look for a new Merkury light.

Once it knows what to look for, the app should be able to identify your new bulb within a few seconds. 

It will ask if the bulb is blinking fast. If that is correct, enter yes. You are connected to your new bulb. 

Check out: Will Smart Bulbs Work in Any Fixture? 9 Lighting Facts

5. Set Your Controls

Now you get to decide how your Merkury smart bulb will work. So go ahead and experiment.

You can try different shades of color, everything from cool blues and greens to warm reds and yellows.

You can also dim your bulb or turn the brightness up to the max. 

It is also possible to set timers on your bulbs that will change how they appear during the day and group bulbs to work together. 

The control that Merkury bulbs give you over your lighting is entirely new and gives you all sorts of opportunities to make your home comfortable — or just have some fun.

Don’t be afraid to experiment! 

  • Grouping bulbs is great when you have two or more bulbs in a single lamp or light fixture — or if you have multiple fixtures that you like to turn on simultaneously. Grouping means they are easy to command all at once.
  • Brighter is usually better, but not always. If one bulb creates glare, you can turn it down so it’s less of a distraction. Or if one lamp is off by itself you can turn that one up so the lighting in your room is balanced.
  • The timer doesn’t just turn your bulbs on and off. You can adjust the bulb’s output at different times of day. For instance, you might set your bulb to put out a little less light later in the evening, so your body gets the signal that it’s getting close to bedtime.
  • Color affects your mood. A slightly bluish light will make you more alert. A slightly reddish light is more cozy and relaxing.
  • Color is also important with your décor. The right shade of light can make the color scheme of your home and furnishings stand out.
  • Or maybe you just want to have fun? Try a greenish light to give everything a creepy vibe for Halloween, or set your lights to your favorite team’s colors before your friends come over to watch the big game.
  • Connect your AI virtual assistant. You can also link Geeni up with voice controls like Amazon’s Alexa or Apple Siri so that you can change your lighting with voice commands.

6. Resetting Your Merkury Light Bulb

If there is a problem with the programming installed in your Merkury bulb, you can reset it by turning the power on and off three times quickly.

(Off and back on three times in three seconds should do the trick.) This should cancel out its program and return it to easy programming mode. 

After resetting, it should blink on and off rapidly (twice per second).

This reset process is helpful if you turn on your light and discover it’s in AP mode, blinking on and off slowly.

You can then open the Geeni app, find your bulb, and redo the programming. 

7. Fixing WiFi Problems

If your bulb doesn’t respond to your programming, or it doesn’t show up on the Geeni app, the most likely explanation is a conflict with your WiFi system. 

The Geeni app and Merkury bulbs use the 2.4 gigahertz (GHz) WiFi band, but many other WiFi systems use the 5.0 GHz band.

Most WiFi routers broadcast at both frequencies. 

The Merkury bulb may have connected with the wrong signal, which is why you cannot find it or control it.

The solution is to temporarily turn off the 5.0 GHz band. You should do this by logging into your router controls. 

Each router is different, but you can log in by finding the router’s IP address and entering it into a web browser.

After that, use the password to get into the controls. The address and initial password should be in the case of the browser itself. 

If that doesn’t work, you should be able to get help from your internet provider.

Once you have gotten control of the bulb, you can turn the 5.0 GHz signal back on. 

Final Thoughts

Merkury smart bulbs aren’t just smart; they are incredibly versatile. So, you can get creative with their configuration to enhance your comfort at home.

You can control brightness and color, and you can program them to change settings automatically or through voice commands.

Setting up your Merkury lights is simple, and the control you get over lighting is revolutionary.

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